I may seem like a person who likes listening to Lady GaGa everyday or facebooking every hour, But I enjoy reading more than I enjoy facebooking, I have to admit. Though this might sound 'uncool' to certain people, I personally feel that reading is a great means of relieving stress and enjoying yourself when feeling bored. When you read you put yourself in the shoes of the main character and feel as though you are experiencing everything that character does or feels in that particular book. As an avid book reader, I have developed the skill to criticize any book. So, therefore, I wish to recommend you guys a fantastic book - the best infact, I have ever read. The book is, "The Lost Symbol "by Dan Brown- author of the bestseller, "The DaVinci Code". I love reading Dan Brown's books because they are action packed, but at the very same time full of historical and secretive information which might send shivers down your spine. Now let me give you a short summary about this book, before moving on to the other stuff. "Professor Robert Langdon ( the same symbologist featured in The Da Vinci Code) teams up with Noetic Scientist , Katherine Solomon, whose very influential brother, Peter solomon has been Kidnapped by Malakh. Malakh who is holding Peter to ransom, wants a masonic pyramid in Langdon's possession in exchange of Peter's life. The pyramid contians a clue to an ancient mystery which Langdon must solve in order to get back Peter alive. It all started like this-Langdon arrives in Washington D.C., invited by his wealthy friend Peter Solomon, a high-ranking Mason, to deliver a speech in the Capitol building. The moment he enters, however, Langdon discovers there is no speech. The "invitation" has been faked by an individual who wants him to find something that has been conspicuously positioned -- a severed hand (Solomon's), marked with Masonic tattoos and propped to point to an 1865 painting of George Washington depicted as a pagan god. As horrific as this is, Langdon recognizes that the grisly object resembles something called "the Hand of the Mysteries." . One clue leads to another till everything is revealed in the end. THE INTERESTING TWIST IN THE STORY?- Malakh, is Peter Solomon's long lost son who wished to gain all the secrets of the masons. The Lost Symbol attempts to surface the facts about the freemasons and how they were responsible for the rise of America, through a story. Through this story I have Learned much about the freemasons, their culture and rituals and the significance of their existence. the other true thing mentioned in the book is "Noetic Science"- a newly discovered theory.Noetic theory is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind and intuition and its relationship with the divine intellect. Among its principal purposes one can mention, the study of non-rational ways of knowing and how they relate to reason; it also refers to the study of relationships between human and divine intuition. In the book people through Noetic Science are able to change matter or change the form of an object by just using the mind. And what's more this might be true. Sounds interesting i'snt it? so grab the books from any bookstore now before it gets sold out!!!
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