Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lord Of The Rings Conquest- best game on Xbox involving myths and fiction

I am an X-box gamer like most teens out there. I currently have an X-box 360 arcade with just four games- Indiano Jones- Lego, Lord of the rings conquest, Kung-Fu Panda and finally Need For Speed Pro. Among all these games and all the other games I have played before, the most challenging and fun game has been the lord of the rings. Not everyone prefers war and territorial games but I do. Because I love slaying enemies and invading other kingdoms and empires during games. This game which I have mentione above, not only allows you to play as the good, but after completing all the missions in invading the bad, actually gives you a chance to play the role of the bad guys. When playing as the good or the bad, you have to choose a class. There are four different classes- Mages, Warriors, Scouts and Archers. Now let me tell the exciting thing each class of people can do in the game. The Warriors use swords to fight and have an axe for hurling at enemies or knocking them down. Using the right combinations the Warrior also can use fatal attacks such as fire spin, charge and a extremely fatal attack. Archers can use fire or poisin arrows to strike their enemies. Zoom is also enabled to allow the Archer to deliver headshots to unsuspecting victims. Archers can also use basic attacks such as kicking and puncing. Scouts, are generally weak in defense ut have extemely powrful attacks such as bombs, energy strike and finally backstab which causes instant death by plunging a sharp dagger into the back of an enemy. This can only be performed when the scout is invisible. At last the Mages, my favourite class. The Mages are extremely vulnerable to attacks, however they have healing powers which can heal both themselves and other allies to make up for their weakness. Mages can also cast ashield to protect others and themselves from flying axes, arrows and fire balls. Mages also have the power to chrge lightning and shoot it at foes. Finally the most powerful attacks of the Mages- the firewall. One spell and a whole area would be set ablaze, any enemy eithin the firewall dies instantly after three seconds. This is the reason why I love Mages the most. During deathmatches, after scoring a certain amount of kills, you can change into cool heroes like Gandalf, Sauron and other powerful creatures such as Trolls and Ents. So you can see how fun this game actually is. I hope you get this game if you have an X-box. Trust me, it's cool and extremely addictive and challenging for gamers.
A Book which I shall never forget...

I may seem like a person who likes listening to Lady GaGa everyday or facebooking every hour, But I enjoy reading more than I enjoy facebooking, I have to admit. Though this might sound 'uncool' to certain people, I personally feel that reading is a great means of relieving stress and enjoying yourself when feeling bored. When you read you put yourself in the shoes of the main character and feel as though you are experiencing everything that character does or feels in that particular book. As an avid book reader, I have developed the skill to criticize any book. So, therefore, I wish to recommend you guys a fantastic book - the best infact, I have ever read. The book is, "The Lost Symbol "by Dan Brown- author of the bestseller, "The DaVinci Code". I love reading Dan Brown's books because they are action packed, but at the very same time full of historical and secretive information which might send shivers down your spine. Now let me give you a short summary about this book, before moving on to the other stuff. "Professor Robert Langdon ( the same symbologist featured in The Da Vinci Code) teams up with Noetic Scientist , Katherine Solomon, whose very influential brother, Peter solomon has been Kidnapped by Malakh. Malakh who is holding Peter to ransom, wants a masonic pyramid in Langdon's possession in exchange of Peter's life. The pyramid contians a clue to an ancient mystery which Langdon must solve in order to get back Peter alive. It all started like this-Langdon arrives in Washington D.C., invited by his wealthy friend Peter Solomon, a high-ranking Mason, to deliver a speech in the Capitol building. The moment he enters, however, Langdon discovers there is no speech. The "invitation" has been faked by an individual who wants him to find something that has been conspicuously positioned -- a severed hand (Solomon's), marked with Masonic tattoos and propped to point to an 1865 painting of George Washington depicted as a pagan god. As horrific as this is, Langdon recognizes that the grisly object resembles something called "the Hand of the Mysteries." . One clue leads to another till everything is revealed in the end. THE INTERESTING TWIST IN THE STORY?- Malakh, is Peter Solomon's long lost son who wished to gain all the secrets of the masons. The Lost Symbol attempts to surface the facts about the freemasons and how they were responsible for the rise of America, through a story. Through this story I have Learned much about the freemasons, their culture and rituals and the significance of their existence. the other true thing mentioned in the book is "Noetic Science"- a newly discovered theory.Noetic theory is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind and intuition and its relationship with the divine intellect. Among its principal purposes one can mention, the study of non-rational ways of knowing and how they relate to reason; it also refers to the study of relationships between human and divine intuition. In the book people through Noetic Science are able to change matter or change the form of an object by just using the mind. And what's more this might be true. Sounds interesting i'snt it? so grab the books from any bookstore now before it gets sold out!!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Best Vacation Ever
I've been to plenty of fantastic places all around the world. However the most memorable of these trips would undoubtedly be my vacation to Europe when I was only six. It was a two weeks long vacation. We went to Switzerland, London, Paris, and Amsterdam. When the plane first touched down at the London Airport, We decided to give dinner a skip and familiarize with the place although we were on a tour - so it was unlikely that we might get lost. But as the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry. The hotel was quite a distance from the airport. Thus taking a bus there was essential. I thought the buses would be similar to those in Singapore but to my amazement and delight the buses were double decked with an open roof. While travelling on the bus, my eyes had the opportunity to appreciate the nightlife of London, one of the most metropolitan cities in the world. The very next day after having a good's night rest, we decided that the Queens palace should be our next destination. When we reached the palace, it was unusually crowded with civilians and security. Spotting a side door which led into the palace we all sneaked in and we found ourselves in an empty bedroom- the room had a rather big mirror and a thick bed. The theme of the room was obviously silver and white. After leaving the room and joining tee crowd in what seemed like a ceremony, we were fascinated to find out that it was the Queen's Birthday. I felt so lucky to be there to witness such a grand procession. The Queen with a silky green gown and soldiers arrived in a carriage with stallions galloping all around it. It was truly a sight to behold! Immediately after this, took a walk to the infamous Big Ben which towered over us. Although it was just a clock tower, when viewed in real life, it looked glories and antique. Continuing on our walk, the London eye captured our attention. Though the queue was pretty long, we decided to queue- because leaving London without taking a ride on the London Eye would be ridiculous and simply insane, to put it in layman terms. Eventually when I boarded one of the cabins of the Ferris wheel, excitement started building up within me. Then the wheel started rotating slowly, giving everyone an opportunity to appreciate the scenery of London. Alighting from the London eye, the next destination was Amsterdam. Upon reaching Amsterdam we visited the Oude Kirk- the oldest church in Amsterdam. It was built in the 14-th century. It is currently now a gothic and cultural monument. The interior was dark, the only light was from the flickering candles, the glass stained windows gave an eerie and creepy look to the church. If I were to go on talking about my adventures, you might start to doze off- so let me continue with my trip to Paris. In Paris our first destination was the Eiffel tower. And guess what? When we reached there we were told that the lift wasn't working. But determined to scale the architectural marvel, we started walking up the spiraling steps. From the top, the whole of Paris was visible to our eyes. The air was slightly colder due to the higher altitude I guess. The last thing we did in Paris was too visit the Disneyland there, which I have to say, was not up to my standards. However, I was still young and could not take much of the rides. Beside the Disneyland, there was a house of horrors which sold masks and displayed bloody models of dead humans and Fountains bubbling with blood-red water. It really freaked me out. Because since I was young I thought it was actually real. But my parents then managed to assure me that it was all just for show. After this we went to the hotel, went to airport next day to catch a flight to Switzerland Blah Blah Blah...... (Fast forward) Plane touched down at the airport in Switzerland. Immediately after, after checking in into our hotel which was just beside the mountain top, we had our breakfast- a wide spread of pastries and cakes. Once we ate finish, we had short nap followed by a cable ride to the highest peak of a particular mountain ( forgot the name). On the mountain we really had agood time playing with snow running across the barren white land. There was also a hailstorm when we left the mountains and was walking across Lke Zurich which was filled with elegant white swans. That's the end of my fantastic holiday, I guess. I really hope to visit Europe again, this time with a camera to take some photos.
Friday, January 15, 2010
My interest...

Each and every person has their own interest in something, Maybe games, sports , music, celebrities and so on. But I have a very strong interest in music- escpecially pop music. Adults think that Pop music is "noise" and meaningless. However personally, I feel Pop music heightens your spirits and brings out the life in you when your'e bored or just feeling stressed. It's a form of relaxation. Among the many Pop singers in the world, I love Lady GaGa and her wonderfully composed songs. She plays the piano though many pop singers do not. Incorporating classical music with pop, I think she has really changed the world of pop. She once said during her interview that her ambition as a singer is to make the world of music a place to enjoy yourself not to earn money or popularity, And I think she has achieved this wonderful feat. Her music is relaxing and enjoyable at the same time. She has extremely powerful vocals with her fancy clothings to go with it. Entertaining is her priority and she does not care if she goes over the budget, as long as everyone's happy. My interest in pop music developed whan I started listening to Lady GaGa. And what's more? She has created billions of ardent fans with her alluring and fiery performances. So this is my interest, Pop music as well as pop singer Lady GaGa. Drop by any music store now and purchase her latest album, "The Fame Monster" now!!!
Cherry Cherry Boom Boom!!!
Cherry Cherry Boom Boom!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Food at its best!!!

Eating is my favourite hobby. Don't be skeptical, I may be thin but I do eat alot of food if its good and up to my quite high stadards. Specifically,I love eating at reataurants with a wide variety of food and a cosy and relaxing ambience. I had dinner at one such restaurant when my family and I when to Bangkok for a relaxing vacation. We went to the Four Seasons Hotel there, for dinner on one of the days and I really enjoyed myself after having a hearty meal surrounded by ponds and beautiful botany. The food was different - not the occasional sort of food you might find at a typical thai restaurant!!! For the Appetizer we actually ate some sort of leaves which we had to dip in a spicy sauce before crunching it. I have to say the other dishes were equally as exotic as the Appetizer. Although the dinner turned out to be extremely expensive, that we had to end up paying through our nose, it was worth the money and the time travelling there. I really wish to be able to visit that restaurant again and guys if you do travel to Bangkok for whatever reasons, be sure to have a scrumptious dinner at this exotic, stress relieving place! And don't be afraid to try out the unusual yet delicious food...
All about me
Hi everyone!!! Welcome to my fun, cool and ecspecially GaGalicious blog!!!. First of all my name is Praveen and I am studying in Secondary School in Singapore. Like many inhabitants of the Earth, I'm an ardent fan of Lady GaGa. Everyone nowadays is stressed due to certain reasons. So I really hope my blog will cheer you up and add a smile to your face when you're stressed, unhappy.. Blah Blah Blah. I may upload Lady GaGa videos too for her fan's sake. And Taylor Swift fans, I'm sorry I dont listen to such untalented singers.
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